Thursday, March 5, 2020

10 ways to keep your kids busy - ALOHA Mind Math

10 ways to keep your kids busy As a parent, you are the biggest influence in your children’s life. Your children learn and absorb from the environment they grow in. Since the early years of their development is extremely critical, it is important to create an environment which provides learning-through-fun and enhances day-to-day life skills. Here are 10 fun and interesting ways to keep your child busy. Learn Important Information â€" Teach your child important information such as the home telephone number and address. They can create their own little address card and stick it on the doll house or in their room. This helps them memorize important information they can relay in an emergency. Create a personal scrap book â€" Teach your child to create a scrap book and put together their favorite experiences (For example: trip to the zoo). They can paste pictures, photos of family, and paper cuttings to create an attractive book. Help in the Kitchen â€" Counting plates, glasses, spoons and setting the table is a good way to teach your child how to help in the kitchen. Don’t forget to give them a hug or words of appreciation when they are done with the job! Create Greeting Cards Encourage your child to make their own greeting card for their friends or relatives birthday. It brings about their creative side and as a bonus, the receiver would be delighted to get such a gift! Solve a Puzzleâ€" Give your child a Jigsaw puzzle to put together and let them know there is a prize waiting once they finish the puzzle. It will keep them occupied and build up their cognitive skills. Make a snack â€" Teach your child how to make a snack when they are hungry. It could be something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They could get creative with fillings and healthy toppings. Teach them about healthy eating. Kids in the kitchenPhoto courtesy: Read a story â€" Ask your child to read a story aloud. They can ask questions at the end of it and you can answer them. This will help them develop creativity and improve grammar and language skills. Enact a story or rhyme â€" Encourage your child to enact their favourite character from a story or ask them to sing a rhyme with actions. Don’t forget to applaud after they are done performing. Watch the smile on their face and their confidence levels go up. Create a home phone â€" with paper cups and a long string. You can play the phone game by calling them or have them call you. Teach them how to answer the phone, make conversation and say bye. (Be careful to play this with older children who are not prone to the risk with the long string) Go outdoors â€" Depending on the age of your child, take them to a park, library or the local supermarket. Teach them how to go to the shop and make a purchase. They are likely to absorb various experiences around them and learn how everyday things are done. Please note: Each of these activities need to be done with children who are age-appropriate. At ALOHA we have learning programs that enhance the overall learning development of your kid. Visit our website for further information

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